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Our Services
About consulting
References and Projects
Our clients
National projects
International projects
National Projects
CSR - Building our Society
Development of a CSR-Platform for Small Companies in Vienna according to the principles of the Global Compact.

Support of apprentices and their employers for better mutual understanding. In particular guidance for girls with migartion background in technical apprenticeship.

SOLMA-5 Self-Organised-Learning Marketing of Micro-enterprises/LEONARDO DA VINCI
Partner of FO.FO.S at implementing tools for marketing for microenterprises.

Consulting of nursing and foster homes
Organisational development and support of change management processes, implementation of communication structures, leadership training

Organizational monitoring of a youth training center
Development and implementation of a perennial advisory concept for trainers and leaders, monitoring of organizational change processes.

Qualification counseling for Enterprises, Objective 2 program Carinthia
Composition of Workforce-qualification plans for SME in order to preserve jobs on a long timescale
Counseling of SME and their leaders in the areas strategy, quality assurance, environment-management, logistics and organizational development;
Founding and developing of regional innovation and competence centers.

Being Aware - healthy - fit
Occupational Health Promotion in a middle sized enterprise, Idea, Concept and Realization.

Implementation of a Peer-Mediation-Course for youths at the JASG-Vocational Trainings
Development and Implementation of a Peer-Group-Model for 600 apprentices of the JASG Vocational Trainings, subsequently
Monitoring and Supervision of Peer-Mediators

Peer-Mediation-Trainings in integrative groups
Conflict-prevention and Mediation with emphasis on intercultural conflict potentials: Education of Youths to Conflict-Pilots.
For our Project JEP we have been awarded in 2010 with the Anton Benya Price for Fostering Vocational Training.
consulting GmbH

+43 (1) 89 22 544
+43 (1) 30 88 133

+43 (1) 30 88 144
